Water. The life-giving fluid. Crucial to our daily survival. It is imperative that the water we drink be of the absolute best quality and source – something Ceylon Jalaya strives for. From pH to Mineral Elements, Water Hardness to Alkalinity, every possible quantity is of that which provides maximum health benefits, as can be seen below. Every statistic has been empirically proven by the Industrial Technology Institute (ITI).


Ceylon Jalaya contains trace amounts of Flouride Ions, Calcium, Magnesium and Manganese, among others. Fluoride is a widely known tool used to combat cavities, and is a crucial element present in oral hygiene. Calcium is the critical element present in bones that forms the matrices that holds them together, Magnesium is a essential element present in every cell in every organism and Manganese is vital to the detoxification of the body from superoxide free radicals. All mineral element amounts present in Ceylon Jalaya are safe for consumption and beneficial to the body.


The pH, or the potential of hydrogen, is the logarithmic amount of Hydrogen Ions in any solution. The pH of the blood is carefully maintained between 7.34 and 7.45, and exceeding that level in either way can lead to dangerous conditions such as Acidosis or Alkalosis.  Ceylon Jalaya’s natural water is at a comfortable level recognized by the ITI and city microbiological lab as being safe for consumption. No additives are added to alter the natural groundwater’s pH level.


The Hardness and Alkalinity of the water, measured as CaCo3, is considered to be at optimum levels for human consumption. In trace amounts, CaCo3 provides to the bodies natural calcium intake, and helps balance bodily fluid’s alkaline levels. It also provides the unique taste of the water. A high amount of CaCo3 is considered problematic for a number of reasons, and so Ceylon Jalaya is proud to have just the right amount.